Outdoor saunaPrivate beachFreezerFireplaceTVOptical fibreDishwasherWashing machineHighchairTable-ware for 12 utility roomUnobstructedFlat screen tvCleaning toolsTable-ware for 24Tumble dryerBoatElectric sauna stoveMicrowave ovenBed for kidsRefrigeratorElectric stoveAccess rights to lakefrontAccess rights to boatBarbeque house availableWooden saunaVacuum cleanerToasterIroning equipmentElectric kettleCoffee maker and tablewareDVD-equipmentSoapstone oven and fireplaceElectrict dryerRadio/cd playerBuilt-in vacuum cleanerSmart TVAccess rights to a lean-to by PielinenBeach volleyball fieldShower and toilet the farm’s head buildingShowerelectirc heatElectric saunaSmoke sauna ( extraprice150€/once)
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Search found 9 cottages
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1-6 persons, 167m2
1-8 persons, 112m2
1-4 persons, 76m2
1-6 persons, 100m2
1-2 persons, 42m2
1-7 persons, 98m2
1-4 persons, 30m2
1-2 persons, 12m2